Just Google it!

When was the last time you used Facebook to find a dentist? What about New Tyres? Chances are if you bought tyres off of Facebook, it was by chance that you were shown an ad at a time you actually needed tyres. To close a sale on social media, it requires a lot of wasted budget on people seeing your ad who aren’t ready to buy. We are a Google focussed company because Google is the exact opposite. People searching on Google for your product are in a consumer state of mind, and often, they are ready to purchase what they are looking for.

Jasper Hamlet

Managing Director

About ImpressionCare NZ

ImpressionCare NZ is a Google Partners Agency.
Over the past 7 years, we’ve generated over $6m in revenue for clients from 1m + clicks for our clients using Google.
Our team members are all experts at their specific crafts, giving you access to a select group of services required to prosper in today’s online ecosystem.
This shows in the work we produce. From imagery, design, advertising, to maintaining communication and reporting our successes to our clientele.
We are dedicated to evolving and growing our campaigns as Google does.
Through constant adaptation and strategy refinement, we can proudly boast an average click-through rate of 9% for Google Search, putting our results in the top 5% of Google Ads Agencies in New Zealand.
We pride ourselves in being the most proactive, friendly, and effective Google Ad providers available to help grow your multi location business”


(# of new clicks you need per month)
(% of traffic you expect to inquire)

What % of the new inquiries will your sales team close?

What is the lifetime value per returning customer?

Neil Homme

Director of Strategy

Neil is the man behind the magic. With an extensive history of Google experience, Neil is qualified across all areas of Google Advertising and is a big part of the exceptional results we are recognized for consistently delivering to our clients.


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Campaign Quality assistant

Michelle takes care of all our client communications and internal affairs, making sure all of our deadlines are met and our clients understand what we are delivering for them, Michelle is the glue between our team and our clients.


Copywriting, Research

Hayley is our wiz behind the wording. Understanding the ins and the outs of assembling compelling copy is no small feat. Hayley is dedicated to writing copy that will build trust in your brand, products, as well as stimulate inquiries.


Design Specialist

Rashmita has an eye like no other. Her attention to clean design and detail will keep your brand perception current and professional, giving you the best online representation possible for your marketing endeavors ahead.

Tran Ngoc

Web development

Tran Ngoc has been with us since the beginning. He is extremely talented and competent across all development platforms and will always find a way to get the job done, making him an invaluable part of our team at ImpressionCare NZ.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.